Details of 'Freedom Vol. 1' HD DVD - First Web-enabled Anime HD DVD
Freedom Vol. 1 (HD DVD/DVD Twin Format)
Release Date: June 26, 2007 (Simultaneous release in both North America and Japan)
Price: $39.99 SRP (North American release)
HD DVD Layer - Main Feature Presentation
- 1080p High Definition Widescreen 16x9
- Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1 (Japanese) & L-PCM 2.0 (Japanese)
- English subtitles
HD DVD Supplemental Materials
- HD DVD includes HDi network function allowing users to unlock the following bonus features via the download of a special "Key" over an Internet connection.
- Introduction Trailer: The first trailer for OVA FREEDOM released on various media platforms, including the official Japanese website. A short preview featuring different key scenes from the on-going series.
- Prologue: A feature leading in to the series produced prior to the release of the first episode. First seen on the official Japanese website, it provides insight into the story by showing how the main character, Takeru, obtained his Apollo jacket and 3-Wheeler LTV.
- Unlimited bonus contents! With FREEDOM's HDi network function, you can download more and more upcoming features! By the time of availability (June 26), you can expect to download the TV commerical announcing the DVD release of Freedom Vol. 1 in Japan over the Internet connection onto the HD DVD player.
- Preview trailer of the next episode (This series has a total of 6 episodes).
DVD Layer - Main Feature Presentation
- Widescreen 16x9
- Dolby Digital 5.1 (Japanese)
- English subtitles
DVD Layer - Supplemental Materials
- Preview trailer of the next episode (This series has a total of 6 episodes).
You can find more details of this anime and the HD DVD at the official website.
Labels: Anime HD DVD, HD DVD Software, International Releases
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