
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

HD-XA2, HD-A20 and HD-A2 v1.6 Firmware ISO Now Available

These past few weeks, we've seen quite a bit of site referrals from search engines. These search engines referred Internet users to us because these users were looking for v1.6 Firmware Update image file to create their own update CD.

Previously, there were quite a number of sites providing firmware image files for previous builds but since they were unofficial sites, we refrain from posting them here.

Now that Toshiba (Canada) has officially provided the firmware update image files for users to create their own update CD (In actual fact, they may have already done so for previous firmware updates.), we've decided to provide the link here to benefit those who did not know they could get the firmware update image file directly from the source. This firmware update applies only to the 2nd-generation HD DVD players sold in the U.S./Canada.

If you need to read the full instructions/details of v1.6 firmware update, you can access them via this blogpost (links to the firmware update image files are also available in that blogpost.)

Toshiba (Canada) has made available the firmware update image files, the instructions on how to create the update CD and the instructions on loading the update using the update CD, and they can be accessed via the respective weblinks provided below.

Direct links:
HD-A20 v1.6 Firmware Update
HD-XA2 v1.6 Firmware Update
HD-A2 v1.6 Firmware Update



At 11:17 PM, Blogger pLaplante said...

I updated to the 1.6 firmware update but now find that the HD A2 we have has changed the output of the black level. I use the DVE to adjust the HDMI input on our Samsung RPTV and since upgrading to the 1.6 update the black levels have gone, about a 10 or 20 IRE crush in the lower levels. Anyone who has not updated may want to wait.
Paul Laplante

Wish I could go back to an earlier firmware update.

At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess the firmware update doesn't solve all the pertinent issues. Anyway, the firmware update seems to resolve some of the playback issues of recently released HD DVD/DVD combo discs.


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