
Monday, October 30, 2006

HD DVD Format Possibly Extending Its Reach to Australia This Year?

It seems that HD DVD players may be released in Australia, possibly before the year is out. Our sources of information indicates that Warner Home Video (Australia) is the first major studio's home entertainment unit to indicate the retail availability of feature films such as V for Vendetta and Superman Returns on HD DVD, for the Australian market.

On 6th December, if you reside in Australia, you can expect V for Vendetta, Lethal Weapon 1 & 2 and Superman Returns to be released on HD DVD... Please note that this information may still be preliminary and subject to withdrawal or changes.

With this in mind, it is likely that HD DVD set-top players may be available around then...

Any reader who has concrete information about the retail availabiliy of HD DVD set-top players in Australia, is welcome to contribute news... via our e-mail address hd_dvd_format AT yahoo DOT com for us to share on this blog...

When we're able to get more confirmation and official details of HD DVD launch in Australia, we'll post them here.



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